National Tennis Center Scheme for scouting talented players.

As ITF and most tennis fans know, it is imperative that in order to succeed in competitive tennis the younger age i.e. the grassroots is considered the best age to start tennis from.

For this purpose the National Tennis Center runs a suitable program by qualified tennis instructors /coaches  for children, between the ages of six and 10.

The purpose of this program is to firstly select a few boys and girls who  have the prospects, the ability, the talent and  the parental support, to succeed in competitive and professional tennis.

The evaluation and selection process is done usually done every year in June-July.

The whole scheme stars in September.

The program runs every Monday and Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings, and the duration of each lesson is one hour.

The regulations of  the scheme  and the prices which are usually very reasonable may change every year according to the Board’s decision.